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Justice League Animated Series Except When It Comes to Men

Justice League Animated Series Except When It Comes to Men

10 /x

I am running out of words to describe how good this show is!

I have a real interest in superheroes and in animation, with both together this had all the ingredients to be at least a expert show. And it was, no more than that, it is a vivid prove, and ane of the best superhero series ever made. Personally I think Batman:The Animated Series just beats it, only Justice League is without a doubtfulness one of the most original, ambitious and deep animated shows out there.

The production values are really detailed and rich. You can never go wrong with sophisticated colours, sharp and decisive grapheme features, epic scope and well-baked backgrounds, in all iv of these areas Justice League succeeds. The music is consistently superb, haunting, rousing and dark, with a principal theme that sticks in the mind for a long time.

Even more than impressive is the depth, story lines and the writing. The writing is brilliant, there are moments of sense of humor simply it does always have a focused tone, and it is all sophisticated and taut, a major stride upward with sappy one liners and clichés that some characters are made to utter in some shows now. I was then impressed with the story lines, even for an animated these story lines are quite deep and complex, just they never cease to be gripping and compelling. Plus the characters have so much depth to them. They aren't tiresome, useless or clichéd, they all have unique personalities, a purpose and are always well incorporated into the stories.

I take always loved Batman, Superman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, and they are amazing characters hither. I was also surprised at how much depth there was to J'onn J'onzz and in a adept way, and the villains are interesting as well and actually accept motives that don't run across as absurd. The voice acting is outstanding besides, Kevin Conroy IS Batman in my eyes especially. Overall, this show is fantastic, and I am actually running out of words to draw how truly skillful Justice League is other than to say if you beloved superheroes, characters and stories with depth and blitheness, this is a must come across! 10/ten Bethany Cox

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10 /ten

JLU was meliorate.

JL was a good evidence. Information technology had classic superheroes similar Superman, Greenish Lantern and Wonder Woman. Their characters were as just like the comics.

A lot of fights, activity and drama. What'southward non to love?

What tin be learned? Big three of Superman Wonder Woman and Green Lantern were epic.

Verdict: JLU was nonetheless the better show.

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9 /10

One of the all-time cartoons always.

DC Animation is one of the best blitheness companies today. They consistently do the best Superhero toons, leaving all others in the dust. Swell voices and stories, this is well worth watching once again and again. It got even meliorate when it became Unlimited.

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ten /10

The true Justice League of america (warning for spoilers)

Alert: Spoilers

Justice League is nigh Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash and Green Lantern teaming up to stop villains like Lex Luthor, Darksied, Felex Faust and many from destroying the world. This show alongside it'due south squeal, Teen Titans and Immature Justice are the best DC shows Warner Bro's have given. With an exception of the episodes Eclipsed and Fury majority of the episodes were pretty damm skillful.

The voice acting is crawly peculiarly since information technology introduced me to George Newbern (the voice for Superman) who is at present my favourite Superman even today. The music was memorable, the graphic symbol evolution, art fashion and animation defiantly had a lot of attempt put into them. Even if Barry Allen and Hal Jordan aren't Green Lantern or Wink it nonetheless gives the audition something new and interesting.

However the catastrophe of the evidence wasn't satisfying considering Hawkgirl betrays the league breaks her true loves centre and louses trust in the league. When Hawkgirl did come up back to the right side she was eye broken, upset and unwanted by anyone so she flies abroad in teases into the sky. But lucky JLU fixes this.

My favourite episodes were Metamorphsis, Evil Nether the body of water, Hereafter, Wild Cards, Legends, Twilight, Only a dream, Tablua Rasa and Clandestine Society. What is great about these episodes with an exception of Condolement and Joy every episode is in 2 parts or more similar with Star Wars The Clone Wars.

If you lot are a DC comics fan and yous want to watch a testify which features your favourite classics I would defiantly recomand Justice League :) Accept a good day everyone.

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Finally, They Got it Right

This is probably the all-time television adaptation of the Justice League since their days as a back-up feature on the old Aquaman series. The only thing that'southward different about it is that there is no Blackness Canary, no Zatana, no Elongated Man, no Atom, no Light-green Pointer and no Hawkman. Also, they practise not use either the Hal Jordan Green Lantern (the one about people in my age range are familiar with). However, this is a far cry from the godawful Wendy, Marvin, Wonder Dog or fifty-fifty the Wonder Twins. This is only a show for the people who are honey the comic book.

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10 /x

The Precursor to the Modern Cinematic Universe!

A classic cartoon that deserves every unmarried song of praise it gets from critics and fans being one of the finest superhero television shows, and finest shows of the 2000s, period. Justice League blew our commonage minds when it debuted in 2003: the showtime truthful multi- character Crossover on television receiver to thing since the X-Men Boob tube series, and it had Batman and Superman as series regulars alongside the likes of Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Hawk Girl and the animated debut of Martian Manhunter.

When Bruce Timm did Batman: The Blithe Serial in the 90s he always dreamed of the ultimate crossover featuring all the DC Superheroes the public take come to know and honey.And with the advent of digital traditional animation and Cartoon Network's presence on cable Idiot box. Justice League became an instant classic the moment it graced the modest screens of the globe and blew millions of children'due south minds out of the water.

Justice League is even so amazing, it'southward voice-interim and writing is still incomparable to most modern toons still on the air today, and if only Marvel'south equivalent testify Avengers: Earths Nightiest Heroes didn't get cancelled prematurely, then there wouldn't be such a gap in DC and Curiosity'southward animated competition.

Anyhow, Justice League is the ideal accommodation of one of the greatest crossover teams ever assembled in the earth of television. Give it a watch if you're one of the few hundreds of people who oasis't at least heard of it already.

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It's most time they got it right!!!

THANK YOU Cartoon Network!!!!

Finally,the world's greatest superheroes return in i thrill packed action filled show that is pleasing to adults(who some grew up during the 1970's and 1980'south watching SuperFriends)and kids alike! This show features Superman,Batman,Wonder Adult female,Dark-green Lantern,Martian Manhunter,and Hawkgirl fighting for truth,justice and the American way against evil doers as well as other foes from distant planets who were threatening the planet Globe. What they did was reinvented the archetype Hanna-Barbera format of The SuperFriends from back in the day and gave it a new format with a crisp item mixed in with lots of rockem sockem action and as well put it in a letterbox format that gives it an ballsy cimematic feel.

This is likewise the first cartoon series to have a character of color equally well(Green Lantern) who has a say in all of the heroes decisions besides as kick some butt besides likewise!!

Hither,you have simply the main characters and also for a change with some of the heroes especially Batman,in that location is no Robin here,Wonder Woman with no invisible jet,and what is up with Superman in a conform(where in some of the episodes wears one to keep himself expose to Kryptionite which tin can destroy his powers)? Also,allow me say something near the villains on the show? You'll see the team go upwardly against the ruthless folks of them all including 1 episode where Batman and Superman tangled up with the most diabolical villain yet---THE JOKER!!(equally well as Solomon Grundy--from say The SuperFriends? and not to mention Mystiquo,another deadly antagonist)

Speaking of Lex Luthor per se?-he will come up in some of the episodes before long.

As for the balance of the series,information technology is not to be missed by a long shot!!! I'll see this anytime,and anything else better than that total idiot Johnny Bravo........

Grab it simply on Cartoon Network.

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ten /ten

"What like super-friends?"

Alarm: Spoilers

I loved the 3 office of the pilot. The show united some of the smashing heroes of DC together. All the characters are lovable and seem to take great chemistry, the story lines are very 'grown-upwardly' especially for a children's show. What amazes me is that even though this is a kids show information technology tin can easily concenter older fans like me, who when this show was running was in his mid teens.

The coupling between, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl is quite sugariness while Batman and Wonderwoman'due south dearest life is hilarious to watch. Only it is Flash that takes the cake, Michael Rosenbaum who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville adds the great comedy relief that is needed in a kids prove; the animations are beautiful to scout and the fight scenes betwixt villains and superheroes are brilliant.

My personal favourite episode is 'The Greatest story never told' it focuses on Booster Gold, a superhero who is ignored and always sidelined past the other superheroes. But during a invasion, he meets a female scientist who needs aid and so Booster Gilded tries to help realising in the process he is aught but a wannabe and eventually saves the 24-hour interval. And gets a date.I hateful even Superman and Batman couldn't do that. Watching this drawing is similar watching a pic, the suspense is brilliant and the fight scenes are well worth the wait.

One of the best cartoons from DC since Batman the animated serial.

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The Justice League is back for a new millennium.

There hasn't been a evidence featuring these mighty heroes since 1985, but this show ain't no Super Friends. Similar the Superman and Batman shows of the 1990s, Justice League has action, sense of humor, creativity and terrific animation. Justice League acts more similar the current comic volume incarnation. The show stars the well-nigh powerful and well known characters from those comic books. Other familiar characters are jump to pop up from fourth dimension to fourth dimension. The characters have separate and distinct personalities, which can lead to some conflict and disagreement. That's good since it would be very deadening if all the heroes agreed on everything and got along.

Congratulations to Bruce Timm and his team. This prove is certain to be a winner.

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7 /ten

Pretty good

Much better than "Superfriends", which was based on the early on Justice League comic books of the 1960s. All the voice actors are pretty adept, Kevin Conroy is without a dubiety the all-time in his part as Batman, which has become his career more or less, but Michael Rausenbaum, Phil Lamarr, and Carl Lumbly are too standouts equally Flash, Light-green Lantern, and J'onn J'onnzz/Martian Manhunter, respectively. Notwithstanding, I miss Tim Daly as the vox of Superman, who for once has some gray pilus and some wrinkles in his face (maybe he's been caught up in substance abuse?). George Newbern is okay equally Superman, merely whenever he talks he sounds like he has a cold, and he sounds a bit too young. Also I call back Daly had a meliorate understanding of Superman's character, although George did get better equally the testify went along. But other than that, this show is worth it.

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x /10

An unforgettable testify.

I remembered watching Justice League dorsum in the day. I wasn't more than 10 years old when I first saw it on the minor screen, just even though so many years passed and I didn't take much to do with information technology or other superhero shows information technology nevertheless holds up and more than to this day.

First of all, the title sequence is i of the most catchy tunes ever to introduce a TV-show and it volition stick in your head for days. Information technology really sets up the grand scale of the show and really has this epic and heroic experience to it which has you invested from the offset. The CGI characters though look terribly dated, merely you can't really blame something for being released when it was quite new.

These storylines take a real depth to them which is easier with the fewer characters from the DC Comics, but I think information technology was the best start to what later on would become Justice League Unlimited which is an amazing bear witness equally well.

Justice League'southward start season was really good at introducing each of the well known DC heroes in different situations wether it be an origin story like with J'onn J'onnz or an exploration of their homes and reasons for their mission similar with Wonder Woman and Greenish Lantern. Season two focused more on the team and their fights confronting super villains, simply it somehow managed to take the complexity of their characters upward 1 more level which leads us to many amazing fights and great dilemmas between them.

Justice League is an astonishing show I recommend to anyone who likes engaging storytelling with enough unpredictability to keep ones involvement through every two-parter or occasional three-parter.

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9 /x

One of the greatest cartoons always made

This'south a nifty update of the Justice League. The blitheness's great, the stories are interesting and the characters are well developed and interesting to sentry. They have slap-up chemistry and when they interact with each other it'south conceivable. I experience like the fight scenes are absurd to watch though they can become a petty repetitive (The hero fights a villian(due south), gets defeated then has a rematch where they triumph after). They may get injured a few times only nevertheless manage to get back up and go along fighting. The animation still holds up today. Sometimes the characters seem a little stiff when they talk or emote but the backgrounds and colors still wait good and are cool to watch.

Every bit serious as the show was there was a balance between drama, action and even comedy and I recall it'southward done well. One joke I still remember is when the Flash brags about being the fastest man on earth which causes Hawkgirl to quip that's why "he can't get a engagement". One episode I found actually enjoyable was the episode where the Joker (Marker Hamill) took over the TV network and was holding the city hostage with various bombs hidden around the area. In addition to taking place on real time information technology also pokes fun a TV show cliches such as soap operas and how dramatic they are. Justice League is a great show that both kids and adults will savour. If you're a DC fan you'll definitely savour this. Fly in and see for yourself.

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S10 Reviews: Justice League (2001)

When an alien menace launches an all invasion of World the planets mightiest super-heroes (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman Hawkgirl, the Flash and Green Lantern) join forces with J'onn J'onzz the Martian Manhunter to destroy the uprising and to eventually create the "Justice League", a revolving roster of the all-time heroes adamant to bring peace and justice to the creation.

"Justice League" is a pretty decent animated series. It plays freely from the DC universe source cloth but some of the variations irked me (since when does Wonder Woman fly, for example!) Just overall the animation is quite good and the vocal casting is fine. S10 rates the Justice League series a 7 out of 10.

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Mixed Reaction!

This is in my opinion a television prove which sometimes features a keen episode and at other times a horrible episode. The reason I think this is because DC characters actually aren't that adept. Curiosity Comics has a terrific gallery of neat characters like Spider-Human being, X-Men, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Helm America, among others. DC comics all the same doesn't feature that great of a gallery. While characters similar Batman, Superman, Flash, and Martian Manhunter are outstanding characters. The residual I don't consider to be that adept! Withal, the show has managed to surprise me, in the episode featuring Aguaman I was surprised to run into the major improvements washed with the post crisis Aguaman. At present he's a cool graphic symbol!

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9 /10

A 'toon for the BOOMER in all of us!

For those of u.s.a. raised on George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, or "Batman: The Animated Serial," "Justice League" (or its latest incarnation, "Justice League Unlimited") is a god-ship. It is a show that combines superhero daring-practise with some witty dialog, intriguing story lines, and superb character interaction that is much more "adult" than most of the fare on Drawing Network's prime fourth dimension lineup.

Now in its fifth (and last) year, "Justice League," though oft pitting the superheroes against invading aliens or super-villains aptitude on world destruction, has taken some departures from the typical drawing by presenting some interesting romantic relationships betwixt chief characters: the non-and so-subtle romance betwixt Green Lantern and Hawkgirl and the implied allure betwixt Wonder Woman and Batman. There has as well been some rift between the heroes, on occasion between Batman and Superman. Like Superman, the Martian Manhunter has to deal with the loss of his home world and the death of his beloved and children. The Flash is along equally the comic relief, equally a superhero with a stiff libido, e'er on the "hunt" for a female conquest.

The writers go to evidence more of the homo side of those that are considered "super". Even Superman got to testify a little emotion when confronted with longtime enemy Darkseid" in the two-parter "Twilight". The Human of Steel would've murdered the villain if Batman had not intervened. In an episode virtually a parallel universe, the Superman of that world even did abroad with Lex Luthor.

The evidence has a stellar cast of actors supplying the major characters' voices with a roster of guest talent (CCH Pounder, Michael Ironside, Robert Picardo, Hector Elizondo, Mark Hamill, Clancy Brown, and others) that is second to none.

The bear witness, though not a ratings juggernaut (due to frequent changes in ambulation times), is a treat for the boomer generation and is a welcome addition to the mythos that DC Comics created over six decades ago.

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This is one big team of superheroes!

Justice League is a really good evidence! Especially since it has all of the DC Comics superheroes teaming up. The prove has Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Greenish Lanturn, The Flash, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter teaming upward to fighting evil, stop chaos and destruction from happening! Information technology has more superheroes that come along in every other episode. The testify premiered on Cartoon Network back in 2001 on Drawing Network and the first two seasons it was called Justice League and then in the tertiary flavor and beyond the show was chosen Justice League Unlimited. All the superheroes that are involved in this show are: Batman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Lanturn, The Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Canary, Nightwing, Static, Batman (the Batman Beyond, Batman) and lot of the other DC Comics superheroes all on 1 team! They as well accept a show thats somewhat like to this except different and that is Teen Titans. Because in that show it is somewhat like the Justice League except that the heroes are quondam sidekicks of other DC comics superheroes! I'thou glad DC Comics did a bear witness similar this and I would like to come across Marvel comics try the aforementioned thing past having a team with all Marvel comic superheroes existence i squad and fighting their villains and saving the world! But who knows? That might happen. I remember every episode in this show has good story plots to them! This show premiered on Cartoon Network back in November 2001.

User Rating: 9/x


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half dozen /x

Blithe Justice

Warning: Spoilers

The Justice League appeared for the first time in comic book form in the 1960'south and has since gone through numerous incarnations and roster changes.

In this version of the Justice League tailored for the 21st Century we have; Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Dark-green Lantern (the African American John Stewart), J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter although that proper name is never used) and Hawkgirl (a second female super hero).

The series builds somewhat slowly as the creators seemed uncertain about certain aspects such as the direction of the show and also as a televised animation series it remains limited both in terms of content and upkeep. In this context the animation is skilful simply not what i will observe on film. The content limitations are somewhat more problematic as despite the fact this is a story about super heroes no blood can be shown. Despite this the creators manage to observe their vocalisation and brand the all-time of their limitations by making the series much stronger than information technology began.

While the show'southward vocal talents are skillful including Michael Rosenbaum and Phil Lamar, perhaps even more impressive is the roster of talent attracted for guest appearances. During the get-go flavor nosotros have amongst others; Gary Cole, James Remar, Kurtwood Smith, Garrett Morris, Rene Auberjonois, Dennis Haysbert, Robert Englund, Xander Berkley, John Rhys-Davies, David Paymer, Eric Roberts, William Smith, Bill Duke, David Ogden Stiers, Virgina Madsen, Olivia d'Abo, Mark Hamill, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael McKean, Jeffrey Jones, Udo Kier, Ted McGinley, David Naughton, Steven Root, William Katt, Clancy Chocolate-brown, Pam Grier, Dave Thomas, Danica McKellar, Richard Moll, Tom Sizemore, Patrick Duffy, Fred Dryer, Robert Picardo. While not a who's who of Hollywood we practice have here some very recognizable performers, from both television and the sci-fi/fantasy genre'southward.

Special features are substandard, and include very limited additional information

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vii /10

Watch the first two series

Warning: Spoilers

I have no doubt that the first 2 series of Justice League are the greatest animated superhero series ever. Certain the title sequence, with the cliché-ridden slo-mo walk towards the camera, is pompous and embarrassing, simply that is a rare sideslip in good gustation. The wise conclusion to have most story lines extend over two or more episodes leads depth in writing, label and construction which is rare in the format. This is especially true in the easily of the series best author, Dwayne McDuffie, but the standard is high throughout and so well edited that the characterization remains completely consequent from start to finish. For instance, the Greenish Lantern/Hawkgirl sexual tension appears early on before blossoming into a full diddled love thing in series two. In a weaker series (ie almost any other) this would only appear when necessary then be forgotten about.

Some of the two parters are among the best ever Justice League stories. "Legends" with its nostalgic invocation of the argent age (I share Jon Stewart's sadness over the loss of its innocence), "The Terror Beyond" a profound, by whatsoever standards, exam of religion and "A meliorate earth" perhaps the almost important story of all, are among my favorites.

Well-nigh the end of season ii a certain weakness begins to appear. Outset the only standalone episode: "Comfort and Joy" in series 2, a schmaltzy Christmas story which undermines the serious intent of the residual of the series. Then the iii part Star-Crossed, a well enough executed, if longwinded serial which sadly could non escape its ludicrous and derivative (from the Hitch-hiker's Guide) that Earth had to be demolished to make way for an insterstellar bypass. Oh Brother! At the fourth dimension, these seemed like a unusual misfires, but alas, information technology was a sign of things to come up...

With season 3. and the pointless addition of "unlimited" (a sure sign of gimmickry) to the title, the same standard is no longer applied.Some of the reasons for the deterioration are as follows.

one. The excess of characters, many of whom are never named and including a vast amount of noncombatant staff (surely a liability?) Also presumably the civilians would accept to be paid while the superheroes work for free? Wouldn't that crusade resentment?

2. A focus on too many largely 2nd charge per unit superheroes to the detriment of more interesting major ones (there's a reason why Superman and Batman are big stars)

3. The reduction of ambition to mainly unmarried episodes.

4. The best episodes are all spin-offs from much better episodes in the get-go two seasons. A Ameliorate World proved to exist especially rich vein in this regard.

5. All the female characters are ultra-aggressive. This worked well enough with Hawkgirl since being gung-ho was function of her personality but when she'due south gone, we have the equally violent Vixen, Black Canary and Huntress, even the sweet natured Supergirl for goodness sake! It is as well interesting that these super chicks who all look like mode models go in all guns blazing but I don't remember e'er seeing a scratch on them afterwards in contrast to the male person characters.

6. Perhaps because of the loftier testosterone females at that place is an unnatural focus of female person rivalry in JLU. Hawkgirl and Wonderwoman accept issues. So do Hawkgirl and Vixen. So do Huntress and Black Canary. So do Supergirl and Galatea. Funnily enough the men seem to rub together a lot ameliorate.

7. At that place's also an inordinate amount of unconvincing romance. In the kickoff two seasons the relationship between Hawkgirl and Green Lantern developed naturally over time. In flavor 3 an unexplained relationship betwixt GL and Vixen appears in order to ready upwardly a dear triangle. Then we have Batman/Wonder woman, Green Arrow/Black Canary, Huntress/Question. 1 most expected Superman and Amanda Waller to go an item.

Rating Justice League: 9 Justice League Unlimited 5 Overall 7

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Gives The Hanna-Barbera Cartoons a Run For Their Money

This version of Justice League is much better than the now very dated Hanna Barbera cartoons of the 1970s. The way the characters are drawn are more than faithful to the golden age comic books. Too, the Wonder Adult female on this show is beautiful and rates 2d on my list to Lynda Carter'south portrayal of the heroine. I'm surprised Lynda didn't add together her voice to the show every bit Queen Hippolyte. As for the other characters, perhaps Batman is a bit of a know-information technology-all and The Wink is possibly a few pumpkins brusque of a pie, but withal this is the best cartoon to testify up here on Canadian TV in a long time!


Rating: ****

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9 /10

First-class debut

A nice start. It's practiced to finally encounter Bruce Timm's handling of characters like J'onn J'onzz and Wonder Woman. I'd never really been a fan of DC characters until the recent Batman and Superman cartoons Timm directed. At present I'm a big fan, as long as they're animated. "Justice League" carries on the tradition of those shows (the most recent being "Batman Beyond"). I enjoyed it greatly except for 1 modest quibble, namely that I find this prove's incarnation of Superman to be somewhat wanting. He seems somewhat humorless and style to much of a boy scout to me. The previous version, in Superman's contempo solo serial, seemed to have more of an edge and a sense of humor (non to mention excellent vocalisation work past Timothy Dalton. JL's Supes, disappointingly, is voiced by someone else).

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Not really breaking my vow, and so I tin get away with watching information technology!

When DC Comics inflicted the Crisis on Infinite Earths on us in 1985, I swore I would never touch on another DC comic again. Fortunately, this is an blithe series, not a comic book, so I tin can watch information technology all I like--and I like a lot!!!!!!!

Notation to all of you who grew upwards on, and so out of, Superfriends: the characters are based on their post-Crisis versions. Thus, Superman is a lot less powerful than he used to exist, Wonder Adult female is more powerful and more continued to Greek mythology than simply swearing by Hera's name, and the Flash is Wally Westward, who took up the drapery later his brother-in-police and mentor Barry Allen was killed in action.

I peculiarly like the fact that this is, more or less, the League I remember. Four original members (Supes, Bats, Wondy, and J'onn), one later member (Hawkgirl/adult female), one occasional invitee star (John Stewart--he subbed for Hal Jordan in ane of my all-time favorite JLA stories), and the Wink--okay, okay, it's Kid Flash in the Flash'southward costume, simply information technology's close plenty! The idiocies that filled the Justice League merely after the Crisis--Fire & Ice, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Rocket Red--are nowhere to be found, and I hope they stay that way.

Different the Superfriends' writers, the writers here know how to handle multiple characters and make certain each maintains hir private voice. It's a rare talent, and one that in and of itself makes Justice League worth watching.

My only real trouble is Hawkgirl. First, call me PC, but unless she'southward still in high school, she ain't a daughter no more. Second, how is she a member while Hawkman isn't? Third, I'd rather have seen Zatanna or maybe Vixen on the team--Zee'south more versatile, and Vixen has the aforementioned attitude and less baggage.

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ix /10

The Perfect Superhero prove: Complete Series Assay

Warning: Spoilers

For equally long as I can recall, this testify and these heroes accept been apart of my life from childhood to my electric current 20s, and well-nigh likely for the rest of my life. This tv series stems from interconnected shows called the dc animated universe or DCAU for brusk. Starting from batman the blithe series, which was the inception for this entire animated enterprise. Information technology is honestly the aureate standard for the dc universe in this media outside of its source fabric. Its what introduced me to numerous DC characters, and whether they were A list or D list they fabricated me autumn in love with this universe. This prove displays passion for these characters and stories that elevates it far higher up just beingness a cartoon fabricated for kids, it makes it an experience. This show is so good that if I fifty-fifty encounter a clip from it, I am immediately compelled to rampage spotter all of it. Which just happened since I watched J reviews on the entire DCAU, I decided to binge sentinel the evidence with some friends starting from batman the animated series to justice unlimited, and I volition be giving my retrospective on information technology.

Story: The majority of the DCAU is built on individual episodic adventures, but the longer story arcs show the true potential the story writers possessed and how creative they could be. They are fantastic! While I believe the 1st season of justice league is definitely the weakest in story ( And animation), information technology still has many impressive episodes. Justice league begins with an alien vision of earth and 7 superheroes coming together to save the planet, which are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green lantern, Jonn Jonez the Martian manhunter, Hawkgirl and the Flash, from then on they aid protect the world together equally a team. Afterwards the Thanagarian invasion, the justice league expands, creating a ground forces of well organized superheroes. This nevertheless causes the governments of the world to be on edge, and a secret government group called Cadmus begin to devil methods and other superhumans to combat the league. The Cadmus arc is the nearly thematically powerful, it goes places you couldn't even imagine with the use of politics and authoritarian themes. And unlike the previous seasons, about every episode in this season cultivates into a perfect finale. As a child,I couldn't truly appreciate this season until I was an adult. The testify then continues into the last season called justice League unlimited, where villains lex Luthor and Gorilla grodd create their ain group of supervillains chosen the secret society. The Secret society arc is non as impactful equally the previous season, but it is a very entertaining watch and information technology leads up to the concluding finale. While the finale is nothing too grand in story, like the Cadmus arc was, it serves as ane final epic spectacle as the justice league battles darkseid and his forces world wide. The show is truly something unique since important plot points are used from the batman and superman shows, not to mention everything is almost consecutive, which really weaves a larger overall story, that not many shows or even movies franchises can accomplish.

Characters: The character writing in this show is and so potent, that almost every graphic symbol introduced is likeable and for those that are focused on are given an near human personality that nosotros the audience tin can relate to and adore. Even d list characters from the comics are given their moment to shine and become more dimensional. The bear witness also takes the time to evidence united states that the superheroes aren't always saving the twenty-four hours, and that they have lives too, they exercise this by showing their jobs, daily routines, their friendships and even romantic relationships. In fact the romantic dynamics used for some characters feels and then 18-carat that it puts most rom coms to shame. Virtually characters are introduced into the story without prior introduction similar it was washed in the batman and superman shows, fifty-fifty 4 of the original 7 team were introduced in the first episode without any introduction and it worked because that's how effective this universe is, you know this is a earth of superheroes, so the story organically has them be apart information technology, and its remarkable how well this works. It just shows how much the artistic team understood the characters that were being used in this show. For me and im sure several others these are the definitive versions of these characters, their personalities, their voice acting, is just perfect and I am always constitute disappointed by other versions that don't fifty-fifty come close to the aureate standard these versions prepare. In fact this universes batman is and then amazing that he is considered among many, to be the all-time version of batman always created. While the personalities of the characters are perfect their outward appearances can exist off-putting at showtime, most of the men take box chests and chins, merely with ameliorate animation, they become more impressive to look at. Every bit for the women of the DCAU, let me only say, always woman in this universe is 100% bonny, to the betoken I believe these are the hottest animated women always created.

Dialogue: The characters are given bright cloth to work with, that actually fleshes out the characters, and despite their cartoony look you believe these are existent people considering of it. Some characters engage in regular daily conversations about relationships or work. Also infamously, this show possesses a lot of allusion, it is hilariously used in a way that no kid will understand it ( I know I didn't), but any adult will, and to be honest its more than funnier being done similar this, instead of being blunt like in current dc animated works. Just there is even so a lot of steamy moments in this show they will cause titillation. The humor used in this just gold and never fails to make me accept a done grin on my confront throughout the whole episode. Merely besides that, this show can be very deep at times, while discussing theological themes,there are many instances where you volition feel most enlightened by the dialogue used. For example, In The Render, Lex Luthor has to convince the god similar android, amazo not to destroy the planet past giving him a speech on what his purpose in life is. The vocalism actors truly breathe life into these characters and I consider some of the voice acting and dialogue used in the show, as some of the greatest ever.

Action: What can I say this is some of the best animated action ever, in every episode there is e'er a epic and unique fight, sure it can get repetitive at times merely its always extremely entertaining. I love how the animation make each fight seem fast and full of energy, the movement and fluidity simply keeps every fight heady to watch. because of the animation style used, the characters tin can move freely without restraint. Despite beingness in a cartoon superhero universe, I admire that the animators never went also over the elevation, and tried to keep the action in a grounded reality, such as when yous hear superman struggle to cease a plane, just hearing moans, grunts,and watching the struggle makes the action feel more believable and intense like you lot will feel the heroes are in danger. No grapheme is ever completely powerful not even superman ( he even gives an epic spoken communication in the finale on why he holds back) and it but makes each hero even more relatable by showing the effort they must put in to end the threat. The action and storytelling works equally a residuum that provides the viewer with emotionally engaging and thrilling stories.

Legacy: The finale of the series leaves me a wheeping mess as all the heroes come running down a flight of stairs to continue their duty of protecting the planet and everybody who lives on it, every bit the show comes to an cease with the main trio of superman, wonder woman and batman,ending on batmans logo, which is fitting, since it was because of the batman the animated series that this testify even exists. While there are many other good superhero shows even DC comic ones similar young justice, I don't call up any show or movie could always summit the greatness that is this testify. What makes this testify so unique is that it evolves from just the core group of heroes to a large cast of them, which could take concluded in disaster, only this show demonstrated that it could be done with good writing and a well established universe. Well-nigh other shows that effort this experience well-nigh likewise messy, stale and artificial by comparison. This show is truly the highest bar that all other superhero related shows or movies should be measured upwards likewise, because this show is truly one of the greatest animated feats in history. While I don't think you need to lookout man every episode to enjoy the overall feel, there are specific episodes to watch in the batman, and superman shows that cultivate in your watch of this prove. Such as when batman first meets superman in " Worlds Finest" and the superman bear witness Finale, there are so many easter eggs and references to these shows, that you will take only as much fun recognizing them.

This is truly i of the greatest blithe shows ever made, that is and then rewatchable that its addicting. Merely as much as I adore this prove it is not perfect, information technology is still an action cartoon and therefore it has brusk stories and requires a lot of pointless action, not to mention the 1st season was very bland especially the animation, only similar the animation the testify improves considerably, until it turns into a gorgeous work of art. The writing is excellent and the character writing is even better making usa intendance about each grapheme and their struggles. Although I am saddened past the fact alive action movies cannot surpass these cartoons, I believe its considering this was the medium superheroes were destined to be portrayed in, the show serves as a broad canvass and is a perfect setting for great storytelling. I am eternally grateful to this show and these heroes for molding me from childhood in to a good man. If you oasis't watched the entire DCAU please go do it. "And the Run a risk Continues"...

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10 /10

All-time DC Animated Show in History! Never Once again Will We Ever Run into Such Greatness!!

Warning: Spoilers

Of all the animated shows of DC Comics characters, never before has there been one as superb as Justice League/JLU. Now unlike lots of posters here, I loved the SuperFriends and you know what? I However love them. They represented the silver and bronze age flow of comics and they served their purpose well in their time. Merely I WILL agree with everyone else that this series is what the SuperFriends should take been dorsum then. JL/JLU blows the SuperFriends out of the water and out of the Hall of Justice and then to speak. The biggest elements of the SuperFriends that I outgrew were those stupid teen tag along sidekicks and their fifty-fifty more stupid cartoon pets for comic relief.

But I digress. Different the long running SuperFriends, the Justice League has superb animation and splendid story lines. I feel that the deviation between the writing is this: On SuperFriends,the writers were probably all non comics readers who probably looked at them to give them ideas and they had to yield to the Broadcasts Standards and Practices. On JL, the writing is done by major comics fans and at that place is no holds barred!! We saw some serious barrel kicking in this series. The first ii seasons of Justice League consist of the original large 7. Batman is my all time favorite hero. Kevin Conroy is truly superb in this part and information technology was proficient to hear him as Batman over again afterwards voicing elder Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond. While Batman was not bad in his own series, I loved him even ameliorate in this series as dark, grim, and aloof and I loved seeing which DC villains would run across Bats. I got my wish seeing him go up against Kalibak and endeavour to go upward against Darkseid. The Flahs is my other favorite character and Smallville's Michael Rosenbaum really made this graphic symbol and so much fun with his hilarious one liners. Wonder Adult female was superb. They couldn't have found anyone better than Susan Eisenberg to voice her over. Sounded similar a college daughter. As for Superman, I wasn't crazy well-nigh him in the beginning. I did non like Supes all powered down and I adopt Tim Daly for the voice, just Bruce Timm and company improved Supes and George Newbern started out lousy but got amend with fourth dimension and actually did a keen with Superman in the JLU seasons. The debut of J'onn J'onzz the Martian Manhunter was very well done. Carl Lumbly took J'onn from existence one of the more than kind, gentle, and sensitive members in JL to being a difficult nose desk sergeant and dispatcher in the JLU seasons. The two nearly controversial to me were Green Lantern and Hawkgirl. It took a while, but I got used to John Stewart. Phil LaMarr used a not bad phonation for a i time Marine Corp vet who is at present a Green Lantern and he made a slap-up leader. Hawkgirl had always been to me, a sidekick for Hawkman on SuperFriends, just hither, she is a warrior from Thanagar and has the hot temper to become with it. It was bully to meet when she eventually took off her mask. Maria Canals gave an excellent performance. I too enjoyed the romantic relationship John and Shayera had besides equally the hinted attraction between Batman and Wonder Woman. These large seven were crawly to watch in the first two seasons as Justice League and they were regarded as team leaders and founding members on JLU. I await at the pilot Secret Origins and the flavor ii finale, Starcrossed as full animated movies as opposed to three parters.

In Justice League Unlimited, we FINALLY get to see more than heroes, like Greenish Pointer, who earlier that only had ane invitee advent on the original 1973 SuperFriends serial. Here, nosotros meet him as a liberal hero of the people, out for the petty guy. And for the beginning time, nosotros get to run into Black Canary,and to a lesser extent, Cherry Tornado and Elongated Man, 2 members I was hoping would have had bigger roles. Simply Bruce Timm and co. outdid themselves and gave so many heroes that I had never heard of. I am a DC Comics fan, just even I head never heard of Vigilante, the Shining Knight, Stargirl & S.T.I.P.E., Fire and Ice, Gypsy, Vibe, Captain Atom, the Question, and even more obscure characters like Sand, the Ray, Nemsis, Obsidian, the Ruby Avenger, and the list goes on and on. Way also many to name.

I loved the continuing story arc most the Cadmus organization and everyone's fear of the JL if they were to ever become rogue. They also had a nice tribute to the SuperFriends with the Ultimen who were ripoffs of the Wonder Twins, Blackness Vulcan, Samuraui, and Apache Chief.

Too many great episodes to mention, just I recommend the Justice League for everyone. From Surreptitious Origins to the finale of Alive and Destroyer, these shows are so expert, information technology'south really hard to cease watching them. All WB has to do is release the final season with Hawkman and the Legion of Doom and the DVD library will be consummate. I only wish they could accept used Plastic Human and Firestorm also equally Aquaman and Blackness Manta (not Devil Ray) in the last season and I wish we could take seen Nightwing, not Robin. Though Timm and Co. are no longer involved with the DC Unvierse, I volition never again come across an animated DC project nigh every bit good equally Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. 2 Thumbs Up!!

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10 /x

This is the true soul of DC heroes!

I watched it when I was 11-12 years old. Now I'thousand 28 and it continues to exist the all-time heroes series out in that location. Two seasons of pure joy! :)

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10 /10

Unpopular opinion: I like it better than JLU

Heed you, they're both excellent. I take JLU as a 9 and this is a x. My reasoning is that once this prove got it's step (and stops nerfing Superman), it's just some of the best character writing I've ever seen in a prove. Basically every story existence a multiparter allows it to take it'southward time to build out the stakes and graphic symbol motivations.

What made this show, and all of Bruce Timm'southward DCAU is that it's not a superhero show with some adept character writing. It's a character show about Superheroes and using world ending threats to tell these stories at high stakes levels.

This is a show that deals with grief, loss, heroism, ideology, faith, race, gender roles, morality, patriotism, individuality, family, xenophobia, romance, politics, etc all in very mature and in depth ways, while likewise having our favorite super heroes kick butt.

And it'due south only a kids show in the sense that at that place'due south nothing overtly uncensored for kids (though I think this and JLU having less censorship than the 90s shows does assistance information technology expand the storylines comparitively) and that it's never edgy (which I think helps make information technology timeless).

I honestly take trouble finding many other shows this mature fabricated for adults while besides beingness as upbeat and fun. Information technology never panders to anyone, it respects its audience's intelligence regardless of age.

Yeah in that location are some less interesting storylines in the first flavour, but the amount of archetype thought provoking high intensity stories are so much I can forgive the less memorable ones. And it'due south never bad, fifty-fifty at it's worst, it's always practiced. Only the bar is prepare so high that anything less than luminescence is noticable.

Also Batman isn't OP in this one. He gets jobbed way more oftentimes than people remember and needs the superpowers teammates to assist him out a lot.

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Justice League Animated Series Except When It Comes to Men




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